With the current environment resulting in postponed weddings all over the world, we thought it would be helpful to share the best way to store your gown until your new date comes around in order to ensure it remains beautiful, fresh and ready to wear for your big day. 

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Here at L’eto, we’re less about the physical aspects of preparing for a wedding, and instead want to focus on how to prepare for the sacred union of marriage in a spiritual sense. We want to shine a light on the emotional and spiritual preparation that should take place in order to give your new marriage the best possible start. There is a huge shift that happens when you say your vowels, and it’s often completely overlooked in lieu of arbitrary concepts that have become so normal.

We want to shift the focus from surface level preparations in order to consider how you can prepare yourself spiritually and emotionally to move into this new chapter of your lives. Here’s a few suggestions we love at L’eto:

Sound Healing.

Sound Healing is an extremely powerful and non-intrusive method to release physical and emotional stress in order to feel more calm and centred. It’s an incredible modality to explore together or as individuals in order to move through any anxiety or negative emotions that may be present in your body, especially in the lead-up to the big day. 

Sound Healing is an ancient healing modality that utilises the deep vibrations and soothing sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls to bring a sense of relief from many different ailments and stress-related conditions.  The deep vibrations allow your nervous system to settle and reset, allowing you a huge sense of release to whatever you’re holding on to. There are so many benefits of sound healing, including better sleep, an improved memory, mental clarity and vitality, assistance with digestive issues, joint problems and headaches. 

Click the video below to explore the powerful nature of sound healing for yourself.

Conscious Activities. 

In the lead-up to your wedding day, it can be incredibly nourishing for your relationship to explore the idea of conscious exercise and activities. At L’eto, we love the idea of couples going on hikes in nature together. Being in nature allows us to feel more grounded and connected to Mother Earth. Walking and exploring the beauty of the natural world can act as a metaphor for your future together, and fill you both up with the healing powers of nature. Hiking together also allows you both to clear your mind and detox your system, breathing in the fresh air and taking a moment out of your normal routine to embrace one another’s true essence. 

Another beautiful practice to explore together is yoga and meditation. Moving through yoga asanas can allow you to go inward, connecting your breath with your body and letting go of anything that is no longer serving you. From this place, you can use your new-found clarity and sense of peace to journal and visualise your future together, setting intentions for how you want your marriage to look. 

Ancestral and Family Healing. 

There is a growing consciousness in the world around the traumas and emotional patterns we inherit from our ancestors, and the clearing of these in order to end the lineage of pain and trauma. Ancestral healing is an incredibly powerful modality to participate in, that will allow you to release any patterns that can be playing out in your life.

Maybe you witnessed your parents separation or one parent controlling the other; that caused a subconscious trauma for you, sometimes we don’t necessarily even know what we have inherited. By reaching out to trained emotional DNA practitioner or healer, we are able to recognise the patterns or trauma that is no longer serving us, in order to enter the marriage without any residual emotional grief that can be passed down. 

After the year we have had, it’s more important than ever to focus on what really matters, and ensuring we take the time to really nourish our relationships with ourselves and our loved ones. 

The act of marriage is so sacred, and we hope you are able to honour the process in your own way, while ensuring you are your partner are the best versions of yourself on your wedding day and the years to follow. 

Much love,

Anya x